Criminal Defense Representation You Can Depend On
We move quickly to defend our clients and when necessary take necessary actions to minimize a terrible situation. We immediately contact prosecutors and city attorneys to resolve matters, contact the police to obtain all the discovery and push the court to provide the best results for our clients. Where injustice is apparent, we fight for your freedom and rights.

Ray Law Criminal Defense Attorneys is a firm focused on you and the legal issue you are facing. It is our goal and passion to fight for your rights and defend you. Reviewing the facts, listening to you, and finding legal defenses and options to provide you with the best results is how we defend our clients.
Anthony L. Ray has experience in the area of criminal law. He has well over a decade of experience working with clients and families to meet their needs and goals. Mr. Ray works with clients both Oakland County and throughout Michigan. Mr. Ray’s practice focuses on all aspects of criminal matters.

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